Saturday, October 13, 2012

I just don't get it...

I would literally give one of Tony's kidneys for someone to notice me yawn or rub my eyes, look at the clock, carry me up to bed, lay me down, and hand me a stuffed tigger and let me nap.  This baby can be fussy as hell, yawn every 5 seconds, and constantly rub her eyes and will fight nap time with everything she has!!!  LOL  NOT FAIR I TELL YOU!!!  NOT....FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOL! You're so right...It's not fair!

    But maybe if you offered to give something of your OWN instead of offering up one of Tony's organs, the Universe would reward you with a stuffed Tigger. Hahahaha!

    You crack me up! Adorable post!

  2. Well, I do LEGALLY own HALF of his organs. LOL

  3. I'm dealing with this as I write...I too will never understand.

  4. The fighting of naps don't stop...cause they're afraid they're gonna miss something if they fall asleep. Wait until they start fighting bed time!
